CEC Massif central à l'ESC Clermont BS

[CEC Massif Central] How to Transition Your Business to a Regenerative Economy?

In April 2023, ESC Clermont BS joined the Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat (CEC) of the Massif Central, a general interest association whose mission is to organize awareness and transformation journeys for economic decision-makers. It currently includes 38 organizations committed to addressing the dissonance between ecological collapse and economic priorities and rethinking their business models within planetary boundaries.

A Two Day Event: Workshops and Conferences at ESC Clermont BS

From January 17th to 19th, ESC Clermont Business School hosted representatives of organizations involved in the CEC Massif Central journey to reflect and debate around the theme “New Regenerative Course.” This session, the second of their journey, is a crucial step in their common mission to transform current economic models into true allies of life.

Our School is above all a place for exchange, gathering, and engaging in collective reflections! Welcoming other members of the CEC Massif Central for these 2 days dedicated to integrating regeneration principles into our practices was obvious!

Robin JUND Director of Socio-Ecological Transition ’’ Created with Sketch.

This session invited participants to question the purpose of their organizations and to consider how to reintegrate their activities within planetary boundaries. These two days were punctuated by inspiring conferences and practical workshops led by renowned experts:

  • Thomas Gauthier from Emlyon business school paved the way with his conference on “Prospective and Sustainable Futures,” offering innovative perspectives on how businesses can move towards a sustainable future.
  • Romain Cristofini (LUMIÅ) and Bastien Sachet (Earthworm Foundation France) delved into the theme of regeneration with their respective interventions on regenerative economics and the regeneration of life, emphasizing the importance of restoring a balance between humans and nature.
  • Olivier Erard shared his experience on the transition of a mountainous region, illustrating the real challenges and opportunities to rethink our relationship with the environment in the face of tangible climate change.
  • The session also benefited from the expertise of Gregory Richa (OPEO) on the circular economy and Céline Robert (AXA Climate – Butterfly Regen) who discussed the principles of life inspiring the regenerative approach.
CEC Massif central à l'ESC Clermont BS

Coming Soon

CEC Massif Central members will gather in Saint-Étienne at the École des Mines on March 7th and 8th to explore and imagine new regenerative economic models of life: commons, permaculture, bio-inspiration… The objective of this next session will be to set a new narrative and a regenerative course aimed at 2030 that finds its roots in territories, in an ecosystemic dynamic.

These 3 days of conferences and workshops reminded us that the path to sustainability and regeneration requires the mobilization of all! This session marks an important step in our journey and highlights the importance of collective action to chart the roadmap that will enable us to initiate the transformation of our organizations.

Isabelle Boiron Director of Quality & Accreditations ’’ Created with Sketch.

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